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Individual training


Individual training courses are often classified as expensive. In fact, this is rarely the case. Rather, the benefits for your company outweigh the costs:

  1. The on-site training can be held at your premises. This means that only the trainer incurs travel costs. In addition, special documents or geometries can be procured as quickly as possible.
  2. In the meantime, the management can get an idea of the situation for themselves and specify targets.
  3. For individual training, we usually use data from your company. Users are familiar with this data and find it less abstract. The functions can be tailored even more precisely to this data and the results can be used directly in the current project.
  4. Wishes and requirements can be coordinated before the training. In this way, the content is individually adapted to your points and questions. The knowledge has a concrete reference and can be applied immediately.
  5. Have you ever attended a 4 or 5-day training course? This is often a real challenge for all participants. For complex topics, we usually divide the training courses into several 2-day sections. This makes it easier to process the content. The intervals between the sections can then be between 2-6 weeks. This allows the content to be practiced and the unclear points serve as a direct introduction to the follow-up seminar.
  6. Training courses are often inserted into day-to-day business and take up time that has to be made up later. By the time what has been learned is finally put into practice, a lot has been forgotten. That's why we offer you the option of remote support for the following weeks in addition to the training. This means that most questions can be answered quickly or shown again in a TeamViewer session.
  7. We make sure that the maximum number of participants is 6. It has been found that small groups can learn much more efficiently.
  8. If the number of Composer newcomers is less than 3, this offers the opportunity for the "old hands" to refresh their knowledge and perhaps even get new ideas.

Do you have any other requirements that meet your individual needs?
Please feel free to send them to us. We will take them on board and realize what is possible.
Your special requirements are in good hands with us.